Liberalism is a political belief that focuses on the freedom of the individual. This not only means that individuals should be able to do what they want, but that individuals need opportunities in life so they can experience freedom and pursue their conception of a good life. So equality is also...
It is absolutely not inappropriate! I think you should be commended on wanting to investigate a different and controversial topic that isn't just 'social media' or 'teenagers' or 'gender'. I think if you have an idea on exactly how you want to approach the topic, with depth and nuance, you...
So in Economics, my assessment mark was 95, but my examination mark was 80. My initial gut instinct is that a clerical error has been made, since I had ranked 4th internally for Economics out of 40-something students, and also I didn't feel like I stuffed up when I walked out of the exam. I'm...
The School For Excellence (good notes):
HSCFocus (okay only):
Spiral's HSC Dropbox:
Jezza's Collection (very comprehensive range of subjects)...
Get your hands on Q15 and Q16 of the papers from 2008-2015 (they're all online), and target your weaknesses. That's the most efficient thing you can do right now :)
Counter-intuitive answer (and just an opinion) - you don't need to fully understand everything in the unseen texts. You just need what's relevant to the question.
I would recommend you read the question and understand what it asks you. Then, skim the passage for any piece of evidence that has a...
I felt that the questions were initially disorienting - e.g. Mod A where you find out they decide to put in extracts .....
But as you worked through it, it became easier to see more things. Which is a good way to design a paper!
Overall I felt it was better than paper 1 with its whales and boats...
I went to the 2015 NSW one and the 2016 National one! Basically at each convention you meet up with 100+ students from across the state/country, and you're given a topic that relates to the Australian constitution to discuss. E.g. state/federal separation of powers, the responsibility for...
Some great advice here. My two cents: write down what you learn in class, since that consolidates your knowledge immediately (and concepts may involve diagrams which are easier to draw).
Depending on the subject, you may or may not need notes; for example, I always find that notes aren't...