Recent content by justletmespeak123

  1. J

    How do rankings of schools affect your HSC mark?

    mate ur actually tarded... its easier to get a state rank/1st in course in a non selective since u don't have to deal with the pressures of a competitive cohort, therefore you will defintely keep your 100 external mark. Whereas in a selective school like james rues, chances are you could be...
  2. J

    How to study quicker?

    u can only study so much faster. it's all based on IQ. if you have low iq, you take longer to absorb concepts
  3. J

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    who here goes to girra? can anyone report to me on how just how lgbtqiamxyz+ the school is?
  4. J

    Could I enter this course with my ATAR?

    likely (provided you have adjustment points in extension math), also check hsc plus calculator to see if u qualify for any adjustment points based on ur hsc performance in specific subjects (you can have a maximum of 5)... but based on the subjects u do (standard 2 math) its extremely hard to get in
  5. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    shady... these two people probably cheated. Sydney Grammar School defintely cheats in the HSC
  6. J

    Girraween High vs Penrith High

    i mean theres this pooftah who went to girra (no band 6s from him... of course lmfao) and probably many more like him, not surprising
  7. J

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    yeah, changes to english aren't a good thing. The only good thing would be if they made this subject optional, similar to how it is in queensland and elsewhere
  8. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    oof the uac atar calculator over estimated ur atar based on ur hsc marks
  9. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    with results check they have to get a human to check the paper, they could easily automate the process of raw marks report and returning our paper
  10. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    i thought u were retarded when i first saw ur signature lol
  11. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    btw why would you not buy the raw marks report? that's also interesting
  12. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    you can still buy your marks until may, where you probably already are accepted into a uni, so ur adjusted atar wont do anything
  13. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    I guess they don't want their poor marking practices exposed when we get our marks and paper back
  14. J

    2024 *Not eligible* ATAR. Ask me anything

    "accelerated" subjects ( you would see it too next year )