mate ur actually tarded... its easier to get a state rank/1st in course in a non selective since u don't have to deal with the pressures of a competitive cohort, therefore you will defintely keep your 100 external mark. Whereas in a selective school like james rues, chances are you could be...
likely (provided you have adjustment points in extension math), also check hsc plus calculator to see if u qualify for any adjustment points based on ur hsc performance in specific subjects (you can have a maximum of 5)... but based on the subjects u do (standard 2 math) its extremely hard to get in
i mean theres this pooftah who went to girra (no band 6s from him... of course lmfao) and probably many more like him, not surprising
yeah, changes to english aren't a good thing. The only good thing would be if they made this subject optional, similar to how it is in queensland and elsewhere