Recent content by k-pham

  1. K

    Textbook editions

    I brought a second hand older edition for a textbook I needed should this be a problem
  2. K

    My School is ranked below 600th.....

    dont worry to much my old high school was ranked like 487 every year manages to get a dux of like 99. this year the dux was 99.1. but try to top at some of your classes and you'll do fine
  3. K

    My School is ranked below 600th.....

    you can apply for EAS
  4. K

    2U to General ?

    yes they can when i was doing my hsc some students that lagged behind from the 2u classes where dropped by the head teacher
  5. K

    Changing Subjects?

    its because since general English is considered easier than Advanced English so the BOS markers are reluctant to give away marks more easier and thus it harder to get higher bands and the scaling of the subject is also much lower. just don't give up and work harder yr 11 is meant to be harder...
  6. K

    Photography as my BoW

    i think your work well do just fine just because its different doesn't mean that is any bad. just go with your instincts.well go luck with your HSC and if i remember correctly my friends that did photography ended up spending a lot of their money due to the expensive printing prices so remember...
  7. K

    ELISE- Study Skills Tutorial

    im having trouble entering the elise quiz can someone help me
  8. K

    Photography as my BoW

    have you tried checking out old art express books your teacher might have some as resources also try looking online at the art express website and the new art express exhibition is coming soon so attend that and you might get a feel of what the BOS is looking for in a band 6. remember that...
  9. K


  10. K


    im starting my first year of unsw soon and i was wondering if some people could give me some advice and things that i should do
  11. K

    Concession application form.

    can anyone help me find the concession travel application form online. i cant find it
  12. K

    UNSW Subjects/ Rooms

    I was just wondering if a few people could give me their opinions on the quality of some of the rooms (given below) at UNSW are like: 1. Sir John Clancy Auditorium 2. Mathews Theatre A 3. Old Main Building 151 4. Central Lecture Block 7 5. Chemical Science 133 6. Ritchie Theatre 7. Keith...
  13. K

    2 Questions - Status and HECS

    matriculation means admission to a group