Recent content by Kate_J

  1. K

    Overseas Uni

    I was just wondering if anyone here is going to an overseas uni? Where/why? Are you nervouse etc.
  2. K

    Losing a loved one

    I lost one of my friends in 2003 in a car accident. Crying did help (and I did lots of it). I had just been on a trip with her and I still had photos on my camera from the trip that weren't developed, I got my dad to drive me around to about 5 photo shops to find one that would develop them...
  3. K

    Is SAM accurate??

    The mean was off by 5.45. If only I did the HSC in 2001 I would have almost 10 more points!
  4. K

    Appeal to Remark an Exam...Possible?

    Each exam is marked twice by 2 different markers, once in the morning and then in the afternoon. The mark you get is usually the average of these 2. If these 2 marks are incredibly different the exam will be looked at by the head marker and marked again.
  5. K

    taking grog on the plane

    I'd say you can take it. It would be on an international flight you would have to worry because that's where you have to declare it over a certain amount. If you worried just get your friend to pack it in their bags, or pack it in yours and if you get questioned say your carrying it for a friend.
  6. K

    Speech Pathology

    I've tried to organise some work experience with speech pathology but it gets a bit tricky because a lot of people feel self conscious about their speech problems (mainly adults) and wouldn't want a teenager sitting in. I really should go talk to a speech pathologist in detail about their...
  7. K

    Speech Pathology

    I was just wondering if there was anyone here who is doing speech pathology at the moment and sydney uni. Just if you could tell me about what you thought about it.
  8. K

    Special HSC Prize

    At first when I read this post I thought it was ridiculous, how spoilt are people when they expect gifts for doing something that a hell of a lot of people have to do. I mean have a think about how much money our parents have spent on us in the last 17-18 years. Then I realised I have been given...
  9. K


    Gemita is right, from what I have learnt historiography is more about different people's interpretations etc etc.
  10. K

    Estimates and Special Provisions

    I agree as well. A friend of mine has just been in a car accident and is in hospital and will miss the rest of his exams. You can't seriously expect him to have to take year 12 over (and miss a year of his life) just because something happened to him that he can't control. It's the same with...
  11. K

    how much was ur formal dress?

    Mine was $350 but I got some off, about $30 (not much) because there was a mark on it and I was going to have to get it dry cleaned, but now a few montsh later I can't even find the mark so no dry cleanong needed! I just realised how much this whole formal thing costs us! $320 dress $110...
  12. K

    Help please.

    This is sounding a bit strange to me.....You say they are best friends, but it sounds to me like they haven't talked about you with each other at all. So what could be happening is.....girl one likes you as a friend only and so doesn't have to talk about how she feels about you with her...
  13. K


    We actually got told that we don't need to know the terms transcription and translocation, they are not in the syllabus. Of course you need to know what happens in them, I find it easy anyway to remember them cos they you just fit the steps into them.
  14. K

    can the same dot points appear twice in the hsc?

    of course they can return, there is only a limited amount of stuff they can test us on, so they do need to re-run questions. Of course the questions would be re-phrased and we are not as likely to get a question close to one from last years (a big marker one).
  15. K

    Estimates and Special Provisions

    I think we can all say that everyone seems to have the opinion that the system is a little bit screwed at the moment, we just have different opinions about what should be given special provisions etc. In my experience there are some screw up's in both ways, one of my friends and been given extra...