Recent content by katerebecca

  1. K

    Economics game

    As the questions seem to have stopped.... Identify two qroups that experience inequality in employment.
  2. K

    Just wondering...

    How do marks get released...over BOS site? What do you need to log in? Also what about the ATAR's?
  3. K

    umm scaleling

    :):) this makes me a little bit more confident!
  4. K

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    Re: Called up Board of Studies regarding 2 related texts This thread is making me go iinnsaaaane! Everyone grow up, stop being so petty. Its done. The markers will decide what is the best way to handle this...not you.
  5. K

    Hamlet - loyalty WTF???

    Talked about use of antithesis, Shakespeare shows us about disloyalty ;) I loved it. Did hardly any prep so it was good for me.
  6. K

    Module B essay query

    talking about a personal understanding, can we use I?
  7. K

    Will they screw us over for Paper 2?

    Haha. Way to freak me out. Thanks.
  8. K

    Anyone want to predict the question for H&M

    And one related text or two, surely they cant do that again?
  9. K

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    ONE related text. Killer. Teaches me to have a prepared response. Still squeezed out 8 pages though. :)
  10. K

    Advice for tomorrow/the year?

    Just chill, do what you have to do. But remember dont make the HSC your life, because when its over, then what will you have?
  11. K

    Unseen texts.

    Anyone done any prep for this section?
  12. K

    Rankings Q.

    Is it true that rankings cannot change within your class?
  13. K

    Another Hamlet Question.

    Just started the 2008 question and it hit me, what ARE the dramatic techniques used in Hamet??? Does it refer to metatheatre, ie a play within a play? Anything else? :)