Recent content by Kath6779

  1. Kath6779

    2006 PIP Progress Thread

    Well...I changed my PIP topic about a week ago so I have been trying to get my head around my new topic and form a research question...gettin ready to hand in PIP plan and present a speech to the class....should be fun :s
  2. Kath6779

    PIP 2006 Topic and Help!!

    Hey everyone, I decided to make this thread mainly coz I need help and thought it would be good to share topics, ideas etc... anyhow for my PIP I plan to focus on troubled youth- homlessness and research the services avaliable and compare city life to metropoliton life...or/and compare via...
  3. Kath6779

    coffs harbour 2006

    Hey...we dont kno where we are goin 4 schoolies yet...we need some ideas please help I would really like to go to fiji so would alot of my friends only some arent aloud overseas so we are still deciding Looks like we may end up in QLD or an aussie there much in coffs harbour ?