I'm still cut my school did USA instead of Russia. Apartheid was good tho.
As far as keeping up with content what the guy above me said is all really good. Just also make sure for the essay topics to get an idea of what questions they can ask so you dont focus too much on one part of the...
I dont know a thing about engineering sorry. Here are the Dalyell units if you scroll down the engineering units are there. I think these are the Dalyell units are the ones which you have to do but the website/pdf I found is incredibly vague about how many/when you have to do these units but I...
I dont think my school told them because my school asked us to send ours in a google form and I got the call at like 1pm so I really doubt myself school would have sent it through sure that they had gotten all the results in. So I guess the Uni's just get given all the highest ATARs because the...
Thanks! It sounds really good in theory but of the arts/social sciences Dalyell units none interest me whatsoever and I really dont want to replace my electives with them. Some of the enrichment units sound cool and the mentoring is probably good but idk if its worth it.
Well UNSW has a 5000 dollar scholarship and USYD has a scheme that drops the required ATAR for courses down which might actually come in clutch as it makes it so I meet the requirement for law now lol
This is weird because UNSW called me and said I was eligible for a scholarship because I was dux so do UNI's just base it of high ATAR and schools do their own thing?