You think thats bad!
Philosphy residential + Test this weekend, Umat on wednesday , then all trial exams in 1 week, english bladerunner/frankenstein essay assessment week after trials, philosphy assignment due and then visual arts BOW due all within 2 weeks of finishing trials
[writing this...
BOD test-use oxygen sesnor to measure DO at beginning and then again after 5 days (keep in dark room, 20 degrees, 1 L etc.). The difference betwen the final result and the initial result is the BOD
With respect to eutrophication, I would first describe the process (so runoff, nitrates...
hey alan...holidays have been alrite so far (gone by so quick and theres so much work to do) oh exactly 4 months from today ill be finished. What about U?
hey alan...holidays have been alrite so far (gone by so quick and theres so much work to do) oh exactly 4 months from today ill be finished. What about U?
i suggest a sentence on each of the 3 eg. While world cities.......mega cities.....
Or you could talk about all of the stuff about world cities and then say...on the other hand, mega cities exhibit etc.
Sorry to burst your bubble but going tutoring doesnt automatically mean more marks and a higher ATAR (im sure if it did, a lot more people would do it, considering the competitive nature of the HSC)
Also...according to your profile, youre still in year 11 (so any estimate will be a VERY...
every year..something like this happens....JAMES RUSE WILL COME 1st.
The system is flawed ina sense. If you want your school to own the rankings (keep in mind this does not neccessarily mean a higher end of ATARS) you would get the top, say, 20-30 to do 16 + units and theyd get band 6 (this...