Hi, can someone please explain what is the purpose of Owen using sonnets in his poems 'Anthem' and Futility''.
Somehow, I explain it as "sonnet structure of a poem usually portrays love and beauty, however, in his poem, it deals with death, destruction and dehumanisation". Is this an irony??
I would recommend you to write disease examples that are more common and easy to remember.
INTO australia
Animal disease could be foot and mouth disease
Plant disease could be citrous greening disease
ACORSS australia
Animal disease could be Equine influenza
Plant disease could be phylloxera
Basically the question can be just on explain the theory, and they could already be a band 4 or 5 question.
Your response would be better if you remove the brackets and write them as normal sentences??
The transpiration stream in xylem occurs due to the physical forces that result from water...
Hi everyone,
I just got my CSSA trial exam back, and I'm confused now by what is meant by industry examples.
My teacher asked to provide industry examples for pretty much every single question.
I did try to give examples, but my teacher didn't see it as an example.
The extended response...
I struggled with a few of them actually, including both short answer and multiple choice
Few of the multiple choice were pretty tricky, like having 2 options that were pretty similar which makes it hard.
I also didn't like the 'crossing over diagram' and 'faeces transplant question'
PLEASE!!!! If anyone..
Have any...
either Independent or CSSA...
There is no practice questions or resources from anywhere except for BOSTES HSC papers
I just want to get an idea of what the trial exam is like (I'm doing CSSA but even independent paper will be greatly appreciated)
So my prescribed text is The Tempest and my related is Lord of the Flies
I find it really difficult to contrast the two texts.
Can someone please identify the differences that can be linked between the two text??
Well, its 17/20... I structured it as for each paragraph, I said that they are similar for both of the paragraphs. Or another better option, to do first body that includes 2 texts, stating similarities, then the second body compare the differences between 2 texts. In this way perhaps both...
Yeah so after listening to my friend's advice, there is an in-class practice where the whole class had to do within 40 minutes. I actually did finish within 40 minutes and I did only 2 body paragraphs, 4 in total. My teacher gave me a mark 17/20. But he still commented that I should write a...
So you suggest memorise the whole essay? But there are three essays in the modules... and 1 essay of discovery... That's heaps to memorise. Now i'm only trying to memorise quotes but it takes time to put together during the exam
Hi, as trial is next week and english is the first exam... I'm very screwed
I've been practicing on writing essays by randomly finding a question and just write under exam condition within 40 minutes.
I find it super difficult to write a 'FULL' essay (1 intro, 3 body paragraphs, 1 conclusion)...
Hi :)
I feel like there is a technique in this quote, but still not sure...
'as one living alone in the bush must necessary be, felt the icy breath of fear at his heart'
Please help! thank you!