Recent content by keyboardsmash

  1. keyboardsmash

    kinda annoyed at the fact that newgen hsc'ers get to do Software Engineering with an updated...

    kinda annoyed at the fact that newgen hsc'ers get to do Software Engineering with an updated syllabus rather than the cruddy Software Design and Development one.. but oh well University will teach me the way, or i'll become homeless or something. God bless the tech industry :hammer:
  2. keyboardsmash


    aim for an atar thats required for the degree you want to study in university
  3. keyboardsmash

    How to study for year 11

    studying based off the syllabus was my savior, they literally hand it to you on a silver platter on the nesa website in dot points its awesome. personally i procrastinated alot and left my revision for trials and hsc to basically the last day (which i DO NOT recommend especially if you're...
  4. keyboardsmash

    how much study do you intend to do over the summer

    man its so crazy seeing people planning their study structure when i literally just winged it all (basically last minute study) and it worked out perfectly for me lol. glhf 2025 hsc-ers
  5. keyboardsmash


  6. keyboardsmash

    1am aint nothin :awesome:

    1am aint nothin :awesome:
  7. keyboardsmash

    2024 HSC Chat

    could be just a bunch of bots
  8. keyboardsmash

    2024 HSC Chat

    welcome back StudyNotesTips
  9. keyboardsmash

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    77.35 i made it out of the hood 🥹
  10. keyboardsmash

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    chat im pulling an all nighter :angel:
  11. keyboardsmash

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    1 day now. absolutely shitting myself on whether or not i got a 69 atar i want to go to uts :cold::cold::cold:
  12. keyboardsmash

    2024 HSC Chat

    Hey whats up I'm keyboardsmash from Bored Of Studies
  13. keyboardsmash

    2024 HSC Chat

    just wanted to let the People know
  14. keyboardsmash

    2024 HSC Chat

    hi guysh its me keyboardsmash from Bored Of Studies
  15. keyboardsmash

    just shat myself after realizing literally every 2024 hsc paper now has marking guidelines...

    just shat myself after realizing literally every 2024 hsc paper now has marking guidelines available online