Is it normal for first years to struggle/fail some of their subjects within the first year ?
So far i'm somewhat coping with the material although I feel as though i'm slowly struggling as the course goes on.
When calculating GPA, does the first year weigh less than the years after ? I've...
Well .... long story short I got a job as a footwear sales assistant at Rebel Sport.
I don't know anything about sport footwear.
Can anyone just give me a basic run-down of different types of shoes, it's purpose, variations, etc.
I start next week and I am pretty screwed if anyone asks me any...
"Applicants who, at the end of 2013, will have completed at least one year of full-time study (full academic load) or its part-time equivalent at a university will be considered in this category."
This was for the 2014 applicants.
So, does this mean that the 2013 first year students were...
When applying to Medicine, do you need to complete one full year of any university degree before you can be considered eligible to apply into medicine ?
E.g. I plan on sitting the UMAT this year and hopefully getting into Medicine next year, however UNCLE requires applicants to have completed...
The UMAT is in July and I haven't apply for it yet due to some financial difficulties.
What would be a good time to start preparing for the UMAT ? And Is there a free or cheap way of preparing ?
More Noob Questions:
1- What's DRE ? hahah
2- Are Biomed job prospects in Australia good ? What do they do typically ?
3- To become a Radiologist, what degree do you need ? A Bach. Medicine or Bach. Medical Radiation Science (Diagnostic Radiography) [Newcastle degree] ?
What would you say to be more benfitical ? Do a Bridging Course or just buy a HSC Bio textbook or something ?
Thanks dude, I was hoping you'll see my thread and pass on wisdom haha.
Two more questions:
1) Do I need a Bach. Surgery to become a Surgeon ? Or will a Bach. Medicine be enough ? I...
Thanks dude.
- So the GAMSAT more 'distinguished' or 'looked upon more highly' than the UMAT ?
- Hypothetically, if I do Computer Science next year, sit the UMAT, and score well on the UMAT, I can still get into Med without having to waste the extra years right ?
Background info:
I've always been interested in both Computers and Medicine, and being born into a very 'computer-oriented' family, i've never had a Computer related question unanswered. However no one in my family has any experience in Medicine, so naturally my curiosity just tumbles into a...
So, since UWS early offer deadline is tonight and the early offers are released tomorrow. If I do accept it tomorrow, I will definitely be eligible for the UoN early offer on the 3rd of Jan and the main round ?