Yeah there was a website that had them all (most had solutions too, some even had markers notes) - tbh I enjoyed them because that's the sort of person that I am xd
I did every (yes including the old irrelevant ones xd) 2u, 3u and 4u past exams + most of the chemistry past exams, didn't get any marked by teachers except for the ones they gave out during class
Practice makes perfect as usual! There isn't a "right" or "wrong" u-substitution. The goal of u-substitution is to simplify the integral into terms that you are more familiar with.
We can think about what substitutions would make/would not make our lives easier - for example, if we tried to...
Session Course Title Result
T3 COMP9444 Neural Networks, Deep Learning...89 HD
T3 MATH3411 Information, Codes and Ciphers...89 HD
Bro it is actually so easy. I am of firm belief the only reason this course exists (and is a level 3 maths course) is to boost the WAM of poor Pure Math students a la myself. It's on par with MATH1081 difficulty (perhaps even easier...)
Little graph icon on the side bar next to the blog icon -...
Trimesters - A guide by a current student (me xd)
Study med? it literally does not matter, they don't do trimesters
Do you want to do exchange? trimesters are pretty bad since the dates may or may not line up.
Do you need to do industrial training? Trimesters are pretty bad (but some...
COMP9444: 89 (provisional on WebCMS)
MATH3411: i predict like 90s was an easy course
MATH3701: will I pass????? will I get a HD???? anything can happen wow
I honestly didn't take that many notes - it just depends most on how you study best. I find that for me, only writing the most essential parts that I'm bound to forget helped me, whereas some people want to type up the entire class.
Try not to stress too much about details like how you'll take...
I got a raw 100 in COMP1521 in 17s2, no bonus points. I think 100 in COMP1511 is definitely possible, but a lot of effort. People have gotten 100s in COMP4128.
Side note: the only marks I missed in the algos final was a single base case in one question - so bonus points aren't really necessary...
I can confirm COMP3821 has been added, I guess COMP3121 was as well.
Which brings us to...
My prediction was correct! Bonus marks did get applied to missing marks in exams, which means I got 100. Yay! :read:
Yes, that's how it works, since your WAM (assuming all your subjects are worth the same UOC) will be just the average of your marks, rounded to 3 decimal places, and since your marks for every subjects are integers, their sum is also an integer (which is the average * number of subjects).