Recent content by kinikie

  1. K

    Subjects you Dropped/Picked up/ Changed?

    dropped art, picked up eng ext 2 and hist ext, re-doing maths adv :)soo SYKED that i'm dropping art! most pointless, ridiculous and absolute bullshit subject ever.
  2. K

    What Subjects and UAI did you get?

    yah me too, or if people are doing any combination of 4+ extension subjects?chem, sor1, 4u eng, 3u maths, 3u hist much appreciated :)
  3. K

    Year 10 people who are doing 2U Maths and doing the maths part of the HSC in year 11?

    Re: Year 10 people who are doing 2U Maths and doing the maths part of the HSC in year I think this might be in the wrong topic! Sorry!
  4. K

    Year 10 people who are doing 2U Maths and doing the maths part of the HSC in year 11?

    I'm in an acceleration program at my school where we're undertaking the advanced maths course or whatevers and doing all nescessary exams and preparing to do 2U maths in the HSC next year so I have one less subject for year 12 and so i can focus more on EXT maths is anyone else doing this? or...