Recent content by kiwi

  1. kiwi

    Post Your 2008 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam) (UAI cutoffs link)

    Re: Post Your 2008 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam) Ba Law/ Commerce at UOW.... So stoked
  2. kiwi

    Section II - Society

    Re: mycenae-ancient societies these where some good questions. 1st one was easy, Cyclopean walls were easy. (C) about tombs was very easy to get sidetracked in talking more about tomb structure that actual burial customs. (d) wasnt bad at all I think it just required talking about Wanax...
  3. kiwi

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    Bloody incredible - We where so well covered for every question the asked. my teachers half predicted the questions. Pompeii / herculaneum Bronze age Mycenea Hatshepsut Newkingdom - thut IV
  4. kiwi

    Section IV - Historical Period

    Re: Section IV - Historical Periods Hit up the hyksos effect on egypt also. Same question ive been doing all year, 12 pages, piece of cake.
  5. kiwi

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    Definently not alone... Time restraints are FUBAR.
  6. kiwi

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    yeah exactly right. sorry to the others.
  7. kiwi

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    Lol i reckon 25a was made for the enjoyment of the markers. Some of the responses would be gold.
  8. kiwi

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    A free world tainted by having fuckwits like you in it.
  9. kiwi

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    Wouldnt worry about him, Inflated internet confidence. in real life hes probably one of those little people no one ever notices much.
  10. kiwi

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    yeah i was happy with the hardness of the probability. To hell with the graph reading and building though. time consuming stuff.
  11. kiwi

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    Overall not bad, missed the very last 2 mark question about the surface area of the plaster thingy cause the geriatric F*&K of a exam supervisior wasted about 3 mins getting me a a sheet. GRRRRRRR:mad1:
  12. kiwi

    late enrolment ?

    lols ... to late. Do you happen to know how flexible Virgin airlines are on changing flight dates ????:)
  13. kiwi

    late enrolment ?

    Im guessing there would be no chance of sweet talking ones way into enrolling a day early?
  14. kiwi

    late enrolment ?

    If you, by chance weren't able to make it to the intitial enrolment on Jan 29th but plan to enrol at the late enrolment session. Would you be at any disadvantage ??
  15. kiwi

    Red Bull and V

    Re: Red Bull and V......or b-b-b-B-B b-b-b-berocca .. contains a specific combination of B group vitamins and vitamin c, enhanced wth added calcium, magnesium and Zinc. Ingrediants that work in synergy to help your body release the maximum energy from the food you eat. Thats what the pack...