Recent content by korsyn01

  1. korsyn01

    so, who still has 3 exams to go?

    + 1 dude, I've still got drama left. I'm pretty stuffed for it, I'm honestly not sure how or what to study for it? :S
  2. korsyn01

    Why do people drink, smoke do drugs?

    + 1 I was like and thought that all of the above were stupid ideas that merely wasted life. In all honesty drinking is actually quite fun, and in moderation is relatively alright-ish :P It gives you a bit of lucidity and in a party especially it allows everyone to loosen up. But drugs and...
  3. korsyn01

    Exam Thoughts

    +1! Especially when that effort led to high marks :D Overall the exam was good, Q1 was great, Q2 less so, just managed a booklet and missed out a second area of debate which i wanted to include :( *almost* a shame it's over, it was a good subject really.
  4. korsyn01

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    Wow, I thought i died and went to heaven! WWI was pretty much straight forward, our class seemed to focus on the Schlieffen plan heaps. Indochina and Russia were good, but I did the bolshevik Q instead of Stalin *Idiot* Did anyone else find source analysis a bit hard? I said the first source...
  5. korsyn01

    Where to get Speights

    Early morning to everyone, I recently came back from New Zealand and i've been struggling to find this bloody lovely kiwi beer 'Speights Gold Medal Ale' over here. Does anyone have any info on where to get a hold of it around Sydney?:confused: Much Appreciated :)
  6. korsyn01

    12 year old to be sentenced for rape

    It's pretty screwed up how a kid can even have the idea of raping another human, let alone a 4 y/o. From the ABC "...a psychiatrist described the boy as someone who was 'quite likely to become a very dangerous young man'" 12yo found guilty of raping young boy - ABC News (Australian...
  7. korsyn01

    True hostory of the kelly gang

    Dude, I've tried scouring the net for notes + study guides, sparknotes is no help :O and most of the ones i found were just free samples and you had to pay for the rest. Pretty lame how there is nothing out there, I think a severe minority are doing this topic :( I guess the best way to go is...