Re: Results Discusssion - Results so far and predictions
Damn it. They removed the "CHECK for graduation" link under "My Results" in estudent earlier today and both student enquiry services and the graduation unit refuse to verify anything "until tomorrow". :burn:
Re: Results Discusssion - Results so far and predictions
Somehow a few of my friends and I have already been awarded degrees with exact award numbers and dates and times so I guess that's a good indication of passing everything hehe. Finally getting outta uni lol
Re: Marks Are Out
I called a EFS academic adviser (Ms. Jan Fourro) this morning and she said "it was a mistake" and "a lot of changes have been made since then", if u like call her at 9850 8535 to confirm.
Edit: i recall she also said "someone put up the old results" before "a lot of changes...
btw is there any justification for the theory "if you pass the final exam you pass the course" (i.e. regardless of how badly u did in tute work/online quiz/whatever)?
"You must have attended at least 10 of the
12 tutorials to be eligible to pass the unit"
Looks like the lecturer stresses this requirement both on unit online and on the last wk lec handout pdf.
I'm sure I have missed more than 2 tutes (prob as many as 4) coz the tutor barely speaked English...