Nah dude, Von-dyke, Mat-thew and I got early entry and scholarships (don't know about Von) whichs means we had 1st preference so not all offers are out :)
Yeah the contract does start on the 6th (a bit early but I guess you would want to move up as soon as possibly because you start paying then :P)
Congrats though :)
Was going to go there but decided on Weerona.
Do all of the main round offers for all the Universities come out on the 20th of January? If yes, I assume UAC gives you the offer in the form of a letter/email/notification not the Universities, right?
Well, I am unsure how quickly filled all the campuses get (some such as Weerona get filled up very quickly I am told) but you should ring up UOW and see if there is any hope of being considered. It's worth a try :)
I used to live in Canberra for 11 years when I was younger but I didn't really know anything about the universities (obviously) but ANU is ranked 17th in the world! This is saying something about the university. I think just by juxtaposition they say that UC is crap because it is not even...