omg...i fink i got 15/20 for disappointed in myself..but i wouldnt mind that seeing that i only had like 20 minutes left for that section which i almost forgot about
too much rambling for me to do with those general questions we had..=)
john donne was an easy question but wasnt it a matter of either agreeing or disagreeing with the statement? well i structured my response similar to that of a debate and i held negative sides to the question
didnt write much for it though 6.5 pages i the 20 minutes i had left...
well the question was not bad..i wrote 9 pages for this one..i think my response wasnt balanced between all the texts though..because i wrote more on Julius Caesar than my related material...
i also related this concept where power resides with the people and real power involves power struggle...
hey ...well i wrote one entire booklet for this module..8 pages that is..
felt kinda disappointed halfway because there was too much that i wanted to write and i have a feeling i didnt articulate my techniques also lacked structure
well since the format wasnt specified i...
well i think i did alright with section 2
wait..are you meant to discuss the title within the story aswell like the "picture of change??
i didnt mention any of that because i chose the guy on the rock...and his experiences etc.
well i didnt finish section 3...meaning i probably lose...
hey does anyone have anymore supplementary material i could use for changing self - my place?
well i asked the advice line and they say i could use the stolen stories..but i just realised that its a prescribed HSC text which is used for changing perspectives
do you think i still could use it...
does anyone know the intertextuality that is portrayed in the film blade runner? which is for my module A...
does it relate to the christian motives of batty and tyrell and how he played god etc?
omg man..u cant really face reality can ya ..stupid jimbo=dumbo
u didnt necessarily need to result to blardy swearing man..
seriously..with ur attitude i dont think u would handle the real world...
yeh whatever..u just cant hack the fact that maybe my subjects are also would u know abt the scaling system anyways? and besides i do way better than everyone else for those subjects if u come to think abt it..and my ranks are obviously more important than anything else..which i...
yes u really think that ur subjects are also going to really scale you up? excuse me..but i think my subjects would scale me up a fair bit seeing that i do economics and english advanced aswell.
i dont do any VET courses so im well on my way ...