Recent content by lightning101

  1. L

    How Recent Does The Legislation Have To Be?

    i was reading the markers comments, and they mentioned how better responses include recent legislation- i am wondering how recent is needed for them to be satisfied, for eg, will the legislation named in recent text books be sufficient??? thanks
  2. L

    Music at UWS for 2008?

    yeah how much uai do we need for music??? how u guys feeling about the auditions??
  3. L

    "a higher uai suggests greater chance of succeeding at uni."

    a higher uai does not necessarily mean u will succed at uni, it may mean that u went to a school that "spoon-fed" you the entire way, it may mean that u worked your butt off during the hsc year and do not do well in uni, on the other hand, it may mean that u try your absolute hardest and dont...
  4. L

    Is 85 Possible the 500s. but will the quality of my cohort really impact my uai that much???
  5. L

    Is 85 Possible

    ummmm not sure, its a rural local high school....have been in top 200, not last year tho...but what does your school rank have to do with anything? sorry, just we dont get told this type of info....
  6. L

    Is 85 Possible seeing we are estimating uai's here.... adv eng: 5/22 ext eng 1: 2/2 gen math: 12/45 legal studies: 2/12 music: 4/9 bio: 20/36 hoping for band 5-6 in all except bio (band 4)
  7. L

    messed up trials?!

    70% in all ur hsc marks?? or 70% in assessment mark?? and how does your school affect your uai? (i go to small little public high in nowhere nsw, but we are in the 200s.....and still manage to get most yr 12s in uni...)
  8. L

    HSC 2008 music performance pieces

    wooo nice to see a nice mix of pieces!!! umm piano: hunting song- mendelsohn (probably) bohemian rhapsody- queen violin: souvenir de sarasate- potstock and i need help for a last song with small ensembles!!!! any suggestions?!?!?! much needed!!! lolz.
  9. L

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    lol im sorry i cant suggest anything on the 'sultans'.....but i do have problem a classical violinist who needs to do a piece for small ensembles...only problem is that everyone else does hard-core rock. i could get my violin teacher to back me up, but he tends to show off whenever...
  10. L

    Half Yearly Exams

    just say my half yearly marks are averaging around 50-60. will that have a huge affect on my final uai??? i go to country town local high, they dont exactly tell u much info.
  11. L

    HSC performance pieces

    does anyone have any ideas for the rock elective that i can do on the piano? im the only classically trained in a class of guitarists and drummers. any suggestions??
  12. L

    Supplementary Material - Retreat From the Global

    does anyone know of a good visual text that can be used for rftg??? i need something that isnt a film, already got one.