I got the same answers as most people except for one stupid mistake ><; I didn't mark the answers in my question book so I'm really paranoid that I might've coloured the wrong circle in when I had the right answer in mind...
Ahhh. It's over.
Uhh I got C for Question 19 as well, simply...
10 hours?! 8 hours?! Bloody hell, I wish I could study that much. I usually do max 3 hours of study on any given day @_@; Bludging is so much fun and... studying is boring and... I also don't want to fail and... *head explosion*
Should get my act together.
Well I guess I'm boned.
I knew nothing of this word count and border size thing =o All I have is "The story or stories must be typed onto A4 paper and shoul use double spacing. Font size should be 12, Arial or Times New Roman" in the syllabus requirements.
Where can I find out specs on...
Anyone know how strict the markers are with word limits? How much leeway is generally given?
My teacher says they aren't really nazis about word limits unless you were severely over... but I just want to make sure.
Well it's the middle of trials and I am freaking out, but despite knowing this, I still tend to procrastinate for 3 hours+ a day =.=
So, question: How do YOU stop yourself from procrastinating?
I tried giving my passwords for MSN and Facebook to a friend and had them change the passwords so...
1. What's the title of your story?
I want to name the story when I've finished. Currently thinking of "Swallowtail on the Death Valley" (inspired from a song of the same name..)
2. What's the name of one of the main characters?
The protagonist is named Choko =p
3. Is/are they...
Re: Pressure From Parents
I think my parents know that if they try to push me I'll just yell back at them saying "Don't put so much pressure on me!"
I think it's better that they don't say anything because I push myself so I won't let them down. Reverse pyschology works on me, I think.
We are only allowed water in a clear bottle. We're not even allowed to bring in pencil cases.. they make us put all our crap in a clear plastic sleeve...
I think the allowance of toilet breaks makes it so easy to cheat... you could just get up to go to the bathroom and look at notes you had...
I've been asking myself every day for the past 6 months: "Why did I choose IPT? WHY!?!?!?!?!?!" I definitely would have done Modern History instead. I mean, I LOVE HISTORY. I don't know what I was smoking when it came to subject selections.
However, dropping Extension 1 maths at the beginning...