Recent content by lilster

  1. lilster

    Sleepless night

    i was the sameas everyone. went to sleep at 11, nearly fell asleep bt den i got woken up nd didnt sleep until 3ish nearly 4 & music didnt help. lay in bed trying to remember my quotes nd stuff. didnt help much. woke up at 6.30, bt i was alrite.
  2. lilster

    Section 1 text 3

    mmm had no idea wht text 3 was about. nd now i've forgotten what i wrote. 0/3
  3. lilster

    how many coleridge poems are you revising

    2 coleridge + 1 stimulus + 2 self selected thats what i've always been told. if they ask for a specific one im fkd!! doing frost at midnight and limetree. they r the only ones that i can actually write about. i understand the others bt if u askd me to write an essay on them then im screwed to...
  4. lilster

    Around 3 weeks to go - what position are you in?

    there is less than 3weeks to go! nd im no where near ready for the HSC!! havent done much study. have notes for all my subjects bt economics! im screwed for that!! completely hopeless!! HAHAA trying to cram some study into my days instead of doing completely nothing!
  5. lilster

    Things that distract you from study

    tetris!! its my new boyfriend!! i give it a lot of attention!! LOL
  6. lilster

    Aiite, MAjOr question to all the females out there,How big do u wnt a guys d#%$ to be

    Re: Aiite, MAjOr question to all the females out there,How big do u wnt a guys d#%$ t been there done it. so i know. seen enuf to know.
  7. lilster

    Aiite, MAjOr question to all the females out there,How big do u wnt a guys d#%$ to be

    well u can keep livng in ur world of BIG penises, one day u'll realise.:bomb:
  8. lilster

    Who here HATES water?

    i dnt hate water jst rather drink other flavoured drinks aka juice or flavoured milk. i dnt drink plain milk! bt i try to drink at least 600mL of water a day which rarely happens!
  9. lilster

    Aiite, MAjOr question to all the females out there,How big do u wnt a guys d#%$ to be

    does it really matter how big the penis is? its what they can do wit it thats important! LOL according to cosmo a non-erected penis is about 8cm average nd erected is 15cm average. sorry to pop the bubble of all this who finks they have a VERY big penis =)
  10. lilster

    Long distance relationship read it, trust me

    why gave it up when u were waiting for so long nd u didnt have long to go. it might be the right thing to do and it might not. you gotta do what feels right to you. bt at the end of the day, it always hurts when you end a relationship after so long. && there r plenty of fishes out in the sea...
  11. lilster


    agreed. bt stil be safe, use the withdrawal mehtod or get them to go on the pill. we're talking bout lives here
  12. lilster

    Urgent First Timer...Advanced English =)

    with module C - you should know all the episode bcos they can ask you to write about any of them, but most of the time they leave the choice up to u, would be good to have 2 or 3 i think. module B - i did king lear too nd im doing feminist reading. the important thing is the productions but you...
  13. lilster

    What did you have for breakfast today?

    havent ate yet! i hardly eat breakfast. is that bad?!
  14. lilster


    Re: First Preferences? whose in a position where they stil dnt kno what their preferences are?! i stil havent decided on my preferences nd i dnt even kno my first preference!! i fink i wil do it sometime next week!
  15. lilster

    Burnt out??

    why cant i do that?! since trials i havent done much! im so over studying!!