Recent content by listo

  1. L

    What timber did you use for the major project?

    Jarrah - whatever! Now, I don't want to deal your local suppliers out of business BUT if you need any type of timber, a good place to start is Trend Timber in Windsor in north-west Sydney. No I don't have shares in the business but they have have helped me many times. They have helped heaps of...
  2. L

    AS 1100 Drawing Standards

    Available from Standards Australia for hundreds of dollars and in many sections. A good source for the part of AS-1100 that engineering uses is in a book from Engineers Australia called The Engineering Drawing Handbook. I don't know if it is still in print though.
  3. L

    What you need to know for the DT exam

    Hi all - some advice from a teacher of D&T for the desperate! Don't rely too much on others' notes. A great text is the Cambridge Senior Design and Technology book. It is in colour, has heaps of diagrams and best of all, covers the courses, Prelim & HSC (in their own sections). Remember, it is...