Recent content by litany

  1. L

    First Year Law Student

    Firstly, definitely get some notes from previous year law students. I found them immensely helpful. I'm not saying don't do the readings (generally speaking, I tend to gloss them at best) but having the ratio/obiter 'figured' out for you is an absolute lifesaver when it comes to certain obtuse -...
  2. L

    Woman sells her viriginity for $3.7 million USD

    It's no wonder she's still a virgin at 22.
  3. L

    Combined Law Transferees 2009 Thread

    I've never heard of this recommendation; if you've seen it on the UNSW website it must be pretty recent. Else, I would go with what the law website says atm, which is: I had a UAI of 94.2 & a GPA of 6.25.
  4. L

    Combined Law Transferees 2009 Thread

    Yeah aren't the lectures pretty small as well? Sort of like, to promote discussion etc. I got my student card like 2-3 weeks ago. It says LAW. Zomg. Winrar. :D
  5. L

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    But one tool makes a fool.
  6. L

    would you let someone borrow your book?

    I lend it to people I trust. People I trust who value books just as much as I do. People I trust who know that I will absolutely destroy them and grief them eternally should they accord my books any disrespect. People who want to have a life that extends past the return date of my book.
  7. L

    Favourite Lecturer / Tutor ?

    What the hell. She wrote the most retarded mid-semester and finals exams in the whole world for QMA in Semester 1. There were THREE mistakes in a TWENTY question multiple choice mid-semester.
  8. L

    Combined Law Transferees 2009 Thread

    Easy to say but 10 bucks I'll end up socialising inbetween lectures/tutes as opposed to studying. Working 2 days a week as well so it's going to be interestingly .. boring. Hope the readings don't take too long cause I'd like to have a life, thanks. :P
  9. L

    Combined Law Transferees 2009 Thread

    Ahaha oops, I think it's fairly evident that I pay absolutely no attention to the mail/notices they send me, *whistles innocently*. 26th of February aye: wait.. IS THAT FREE LUNCH?! I am so there. :haha: It looks like it's going to be a lot of reading, and reading, and then reading some...
  10. L

    Combined Law Transferees 2009 Thread

    There's a Law Orientation Day? D: I'm interested. Is everyone else doing Foundations, Contracts and Public Law too? X: I was told that it's generally the semester 1 sequence of study for first year law transferees. I am slightly nervous at this rather large spam of law all at once.
  11. L

    Where To Work

    Honestly I second *So WOnderful*'s (Yes, I typed that out.) post. Take what you can get. I hated money-handling, cash-register business-type stuff but I took a job with it anyway just to get experience, something on my resume and some sort of stability. There are a shit load of people without...
  12. L

    I am "DEAD!" ARGHH

    I understand your indecision - I myself faced it - however unless you have been indisposed for the entire duration of the holidays and the period preceding the HSC, you have had MONTHS to think this through. If you could not have made a decisive decision in that time, then all the time in the...
  13. L

    commerce camp

    Shotgun PA.
  14. L

    advice for prospective comm/law student please !

    I feel a need to reiterate the fact that the pay for IB isn't as lucrative as it sounds. "100k a year" for 2nd years sounds all nice and great, but when you take into consideration the indicative hours (say, a rough figure of 75 hrs/week) that only ends up at a modest sum of $25/hr. Basically...
  15. L

    Can't enrol in LAWS1052 :S

    Have you tried different lecture/tutorial timeslots? Try enrolling in a different one and see if it works; because it might be a problem with one of the timeslots you're trying to enrol into. In any event, you can always change it back to an alternate timeslot later on.