I did all three for half of HSC year, as well as four units of English.
I dropped Modern before the trials simply due to the amount of reading required. But I had the extra reading for a critical analysis for Ext II Eng, Modern, Ancient, Ext I English as well as the Major Work in Ext Hist and...
I was VERY lucky. They were our trial questions, and it was almost word for word.
Q2 was perfect for History Ext students.
I know Q1 came up recently, but I guess it shows what the BoardOS people have been saying this year - learn the course, not the essays or guess the questions...
My understanding is that it's in alphabetical order but you try to put the smaller numbers groups at the front. Thus the 2-hydroxy blah blah blah. But I could be wrong...In fact this is highly likely.
When you look at the structural formula, it makes more sense the way it is named. I think so...
My major work is based on my Prelim Ext I stuff...Supernatural fiction.
Basically, I'm discussing the effects of social context on the portrayal of women in this genre.
So...Research consists of watching Buffy. Which I haven't done yet...
I'm the ONLY ONE in my Ext II class who is doing a...