Recent content by LiveUrLife93

  1. L

    burundi u?

    burundi u?
  2. L


    umm Burundi lol i was like wth but yeh ahh well...wbu? oo hopefully see you there umm jrap i went to the conference last year not sure about this year yet though
  3. L

    English Ext ORTs for 'madwomen'

    hmm try Woman in White by Wilkie Collins its pretty long though deals with madness, identity, illegitimacy, marriage, stereotypes of women etc hope that helps :)
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    yeh soz probs should have said...umm united nations youth association, its like a camp from fri arvo to sun night like with guest speakers, workshops, a party on sat night and then a mock general assembly on sunday so yeh just wondering if anyone on here was going
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    Hey guys :) Anyone going to UNYA tomorrow?
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    Physics Or Biology?

    lol yeh i think ive got a new teacher for physics too ms someone or other man i reli hope shes not some random just outta uni lol the other physics teachers rnt amazin but i know their style of teachin even if one looks like voldermort haha
  7. L

    good luck everyone starting tomorrow

    ahh i got my timetable today lol omgg i am going to die!!!
  8. L

    Physics Or Biology?

    i switched from bio to physics n i wanna do the same sort of thing as u, but yeh it depends on what u prefer...ur gna b the one sitting through the classes but yeh most of the work ul be doing in your own time. sounds to me like uve already chosen bio lol
  9. L

    Morning classes

    Heyy how many of you guys have morning classes? ahh i have morning classes on the same day i have philsophy after school :mad1: so my day is pretty much ext eng, maths, physics, chem, french, adv eng!
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    good luck everyone starting tomorrow

    yeh as in tuesday the 3rd lol i swear we're like the only school not back yet its kinda depressing...n they were meant to post up our timetables on the net today but yeh they havent :mad1: so guys that r back? u wishin u were back on hols yet or u enjoying it?
  11. L

    good luck everyone starting tomorrow

    I start on tuesday but yeh i sorta want to go back lol bcoz everyone else is
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    everyones studying? ahh

    haha beat u all we go back next tuesday :haha: ok i actually want to go back so it seems soo far away but i guess the extra days of relaxing is a good thing soz to rub it in to all you guys that have to get up tomorro morn ;) hope everyone has awesome first days back whenever you do :) good...
  13. L

    Judge Me, Should i do extension 1?

    ^^ um its separate classes i think. I was wondering if u do 2 unit when u get your ranking is it a ranking out of only the people that do 2 unit or does it include ext 1 as well?
  14. L

    Changing subject at the start of Year 11?

    i had sorta the same problem i reconsidered taking bio and yeh changed it to physics...although more work itl b better off for med n also it scales better. I just emailed the co-ordinator and yeh he said it was fine. You still have time to change so dont worry but yeh dont leave it too late...
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    Exercise books/binders/notepads

    Well in previous years ive always used a system of binders but found that the sheets always ripped when my binder became really full. So this year im doin a system of exercise books and display folders for each subject except maths where i use loose leaf for notes and an exercise book for...