Recent content by lolita

  1. L

    Who's bored off their nut studying? what crazy stuff has HSC made you do?

    Ive been so exhausted from studying. Like the other day when i used the microwave and it beeped at me, i opened the fridge door??
  2. L

    RE: Biology(GENETICS) question

    If you're still willing to send them i would definately appreciate it =) i've already sent you an email, just in case you didnt get it, my email is thanks Trine*
  3. L

    aust idol~!

    i really admire Guy cos he's got the following: 1)Great voice-love those trills:o 2) He has song choices like song by Jackson 5, What a Wonderful World, Somewhere over the Rainbow... 3)Unique image and mad afro 4)Looks like a cute anime character, you know the ones with big hair and round...
  4. L

    ask the operator a tough question...

    i have said that too :) and i was told i would be called back right away with someone who was "more knowledgable". Waited 4 hours and they did not call back :(
  5. L

    How useful do you find the Advice line so far??

    i thought it was reasonably good, i asked about 5 biology questions that required explanations :)
  6. L

    ask the operator a tough question...

    It worked for me, but i waited a couple of hours before i called again. I'm just wondering, when you called back and got the same person again, what did you say?
  7. L

    Jane Eyre Exam

    Please post questions you recieved for Jane Eyre: "Pretend you are working for Fort Street publications and are writing a preface to a Fort Street publication of Jane Eyre" "Two people who value your prescribed text in different ways and for different reasons are having a conversation...
  8. L

    RE: Biology(GENETICS) question

    I asked the operator about the 5th dot point in the 3rd column for "Genetics-the code broken" Current use of gene therapy to manage a genetic disease, a cancer of AIDS. A form of gene therapy is being used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis. This disease is caused by a recessive gene...
  9. L

    ask the operator a tough question...

    If you have a few questions to ask HSC HELPLINE and want a RELIABLE answer, first ask the operator a tough question (within that topic) you know the answer to. This way, if the operator is not giving you the most suitable answer or you just don't think they are reliable enough to ask them more...