Recent content by Lucii123

  1. L

    Hahah I chose Edward Scissorhands, and My teacher wants me to do a poem by Judith wright, but...

    Hahah I chose Edward Scissorhands, and My teacher wants me to do a poem by Judith wright, but it's not working for me. LOL I hate it. Which extract from GF are you using??
  2. L

    Hey, I see your doing you HSC this year as well. Right now Im at the kitchen table with all my...

    Hey, I see your doing you HSC this year as well. Right now Im at the kitchen table with all my belonging notes scattered around me, trying to write my speech. Which texts did you decide to use? Our set text was the play Rainbows End. By Jane Harrison. But another text that I am thinking of...
  3. L

    ENGLISH - "Belonging" Assessment Help

    My first english task is a speech on belonging, we have to discuss the themes of beloging in three texts.. ours is due wednesday 3rd feb and is worth 30 %
  4. L

    HSC IP drama monologues

    Could you help me too? I need to find a monologue to start working on. I am not very good at comedy. so maybe a slow, dramatic peice? Obviously female. and not the chliched teen pregancy/ eating disorder speil. Help?