anyone doing society and culture, do annotations apply to all sources including content analysis, questionnaire etc. or is it only for secondary research?
why is my math class full of actual bums, yesterday they were asking how to rearrange equations?? We learnt this in 8th grade?? I get we're a math standard class but bro u cant be serious
I went to the bathroom during class because I was having rly bad cramps and thought I started my period or something
it turned out to be explosive diarrhea
NESA describes an imaginative piece as a "text that represent ideas, feelings and mental images in words or visual images. Potentially using metaphors to translate ideas and feelings into a form that's communicated effectively to an audience, making new connections between established ideas or...
def focus on doing level 2 and 3 questions, I don't see the point in wasting time on level 1 'easy' questions unless it's completely new content you've never seen before lol, it's good to challenge yourself when it comes to math
Good luck on ur exam :angel:
Highly unlikely ur gonna fail from a silly mistake lol I'm sure ur teacher would recognise ur handwriting or something
I'm surprised they asked u to put ur name tho, my school makes us use our nesa numbers for every exam