Recent content by luthial

  1. L

    LEGT2741 Quiz

    Hi Guys, I missed out this weeks tut and was wondering if our final quiz was on. Cheers.
  2. L

    QMB project

    hey guys can anyone give me a clue on how to approach KPI 1? i dont know which technique to use to infer the population parameters =/ MANY THANKS!
  3. L

    UAC transfer

    yea man not cool i know but what else you can do ey...
  4. L

    UAC transfer

    hey guys, i submitted my application for the main round offers exactly 1 week late. "Friday 12 December 2008 is the final date to submit applications for guaranteed consideration in the Main Round" Now i called them up and they lady says there will be a chance that it will be considered for...
  5. L

    FTE Question/BComm @UNSW Transfer

    Hey guys i did a massive search on this but came up empty, so hoping one of you guys could help me :p I enrolled in 4 subjects in the 1st semester and currently 4 this semester as well. However i would rather prefer not do one of the subjects i am doing. So my question is if i'm at UNSW and...