Recent content by luthrax

  1. L

    2 unit Geometry

    Thanx alot man Like the way you utilised the circle properties Should be a 3 unit question then Thanx again man
  2. L

    help with a past trial question

    for part ii, as the point is vertically below the vertex of the parabola, the angle that forms between the tangents is twice the angle of the gradient of one of the tangents, draw a rough sketch u'll get wat im saying, since tan x=m, 2x gives u the angle between the two tangents. you find the...
  3. L

    help with a past trial question

    once u solve simultaneously u get x^2 -8px + 16p^2 the disriminate=( 64p^2 -64p^2)0.5 therefore for all values of p discrimate is equal to zero, therefore a tangent at all values of p please help me with my question...
  4. L

    help with a past trial question

    dont you have to use the discriminate
  5. L

    2 unit Geometry

    Need help on this question, its from a James Ruse 05 or 04 trial HSC part i and ii are easy, iii I used the sin rule, and iv i have no clue any help would be great Please Thanx
  6. L

    stuck on this question need help

    i can do iii) but not properly, and iv) i have no idea, any help would be good, please
  7. L

    stuck on this question need help

    thanx, here is the question if i did it right
  8. L

    stuck on this question need help

    soz, dont know how to upload pic up
  9. L

    stuck on this question need help

    <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth...
  10. L

    questions about CFA

    wats CFA? is it like a CPA? but not in accounting?
  11. L

    UAI prediction please

    thanx mate, i was hoping around that, cos i know i have alot more to improve on
  12. L

    UAI prediction please

    Please could someone predict my Uai Go to really low ranked school, but the current yr 12 is probably the best its had My marks than overall ranks are English Adv: 70, ranked 19/50 Maths 2 unit; 86, 5/80 Maths ext 1: 58, 9/30 economics: 80 5/38 legal studies: 85 2/55 physics: 74 4/45...