Recent content by madz321

  1. madz321

    Textual Dynamics

    i'm doing language and gender twelfth night is cool and orlando is a hard read but elizabeth is one of the most insightful films
  2. madz321

    Anyone do Ext 2 Maths and Ext 2 English?

    I almost do both. I have 3 units maths and 4 units of english. =S
  3. madz321

    Any of you guys?

    i think you should chose based on what you want to do in future, if you don't need maths don't do it so you can concentrate on what you need
  4. madz321

    How much have you written so far? Freaking a little.

    i like have lost my story twice. third time is the charm right?? i have about 6000 word draft though so far =]