Recent content by malharcfc08

  1. malharcfc08

    Guesstimating ATAR...

    btw, i severely doubt my school rank is 84...i think i was looking at the wrong thing..i'll check again and tell u what it is...
  2. malharcfc08

    Guesstimating ATAR...

    It is atrocious..people get 90 and above..and i want to too..especially in English since it will be counted in the ATAR calculations..
  3. malharcfc08

    Guesstimating ATAR...

    okay thanks sly hunter (or ur real name)..and lets not go into 'Chelshit', i've had this same debate for the past decade (i kid u not), and i've won every single time. What a great comeback btw. 5th to 2nd....Blue is the colour!
  4. malharcfc08

    Atar estimate

    you would get an even better ATAR if you worked at Physics. By the looks of it, you're pretty good @ Maths, and Physics is quite yeah, improve your Physics and even Bio if possible, and 93+ is possible...also depends on your moderated Standard English mark btw...but you seem to be...
  5. malharcfc08

    Guesstimating ATAR...

    okay thanks..and have u already finished ur HSC..if u have, and even if u haven't, any tips on English (particularly essay writing, i'm fine with unseen texts) and Physics???thanks a lot again..
  6. malharcfc08

    Guesstimating ATAR...

    1st in Chemistry, 1st in Earth and enviro, 3rd in Ext2 Maths, 4-5th in 3U, 2nd in Adv English, 5-6th in Physics..i go to randwick boys, so that's 84 or something...
  7. malharcfc08

    Guesstimating ATAR...

    hey everybody, i'm doing Chemistry, Physics, Advanced English, Maths 4U, Earth and Environmental Science. and so far, my Chem and Environmental marks are 95+, 3U is around 85, Adv English is atrocious, between 75-80, and Physics is atrocious too, around 75, and 4U is around 75...i'm aiming...
  8. malharcfc08

    subjects, ranking and scaling.

    i think you can aim for more in business studies and standard english. around 85 in both should easily get you 85+ good luck :D