Hahaha theres two of us in the class~ We're doing tractors now too... I'm loving it... Kinda... I wanna ride a quad lol! I don't do legal... I do music instead... It's way more awesome ><
Hey Mondo...
I'm the only girl in my pi class *theres two of us mind you* and I will be doing workplacement at... wait for it... wait for it....
Only in the city do I get stuck spending a week at Rookwood :chainsaw:
At least I won't be able to kill anyone...
Hey guys,
I'm doing three viva's as my electives, and I was wondering...
a) how people are approaching their viva's?
b) how they are setting up their summary sheets?
c) what topics and line of arguments are being used?
d) how they got their ideas?
No-one on here seems to have a place to...