Determination of the true age of Aisha
It appears that Maulana Muhammad Ali was the first Islamic scholar directly to challenge the notion that Aisha was aged six and nine, respectively, at the time of her nikah and consummation of marriage.
Research subsequent to the time of Maulana...
Lol if you really wanted a geniune answer to your questions, you woudn't be on BOS asking high school or uni kids with limited knowledge to asnwer them. You would be asking imaams or any other muslim leaders (Not online). Everyone here is waiting to catch some ignorant muslim kid with no...
Some are controlled, some are involved. She is definately involved as she is aware of their agendas. Look at all her videos. Dumb free mason bitch.
Watch the arrivals, has everything on it.
lol they exist. Jay Z, The Game, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, lil wayne, Kanye ands The Black Eyed Peas are just a few of them. Alot of people think 2PAC and Michael Jackson were executed by the illuminati. 2PAC wrote songs with the lyrics saying 'KILLUMINATI' - KILL-ILLUMINATI. There are alot of videos...
I believe that you can only miss two tutorials for a specific subject in a semester without failing? Am i right? I'm planning on missing a few this week because i have assingments to work on that are due next week.
Yes. I do believe it is haram but i'm sure the taking of somebody elses life can only be done so with consent. Like in the stoning of adulterers. They have to consent to being stoned in this life to avoid punishment in the next, but it is their choice wether or not to do so. You can't force...
You're under the impression that muslims WANT to convert you to Islam. You're wrong, muslims are meant to show the 'true' Islam through their action and everyday life. I doing so, the religion will appeal to others. However due to the depressing state the muslims around the world are in due to...
I don't care about single incidents? They don't represent Islam? They represent extremists, even though these guys think they are doing the right thing. It's mostly Iran and shit hole places in the middle east. If you're basing everything you know about Islam on things you read or hear in the...
Don't get your knickers in a knot ai. The majority of islamaphobes on BOD are kids still in high school or have just finished not to long ago. Obviously their narrow minded opinions do not reflect educated and mature individuals who have the common sense to educate themselves through un-biased...