Recent content by mattparis

  1. M

    Civil Engineering @ RMIT

    Thanks man, i looked into it and Melb suits my need more so ive opted for the new model. i have mates who are going to RMIT so we'll see what happens in a couple years.
  2. M

    Civil Engineering @ RMIT

    Is there anyone here that can let me know if a double degree of Civil and infrastructure engineering + Management is worthwhile? as in does the managment degree actually help in terms of employment? Actually wouldn't mind hearing from anyone who actually knows how the Civil Eng course is like @...
  3. M

    positive and negative feedback ?

    positive feedback increases the initial stimulus, conversely, negative feedback decreases the original stimulus.
  4. M

    Is doing three sciences without mathematics unwise?

    lol, obviously not at the same time, but may have helped me in chem, considering the teacher i had this year.
  5. M

    Is doing three sciences without mathematics unwise?

    hi James, i just completed VCE and did Bio, Chem, Phys , Meth , Spec and Eng. I believe it is possible to take three science subjects, esp Chem and Physics as they overlap in some areas. Regarding the mathematics side, biol requires none, and whilst some areas of maths such as trig graphs and...
  6. M

    I finally drove a V8...

    Yea, i know what you mean by expecting it to be faster, but you have to remember the seven series is really heavy, like tank heavy.... its more centered round luxury than performance now the M6 on the other hand.... usually leaves me speechless