My first day of delivering was as casual as it gets, I just wore black shorts and a casual shirt that was replaced by the pizza hut shirt on the first shift, easy training, but I guess delivering pizzas is the easiest job in the world, or at least up there amongst the pack.
Yeah Commerce isn't really maths based. It is all simple maths, nothing too difficult. Just got to be able to add and subtract in accounting and read graphs in economics im pretty sure, then you should be fine, then you can work on your major (marketing) over the next two years and should be fine.
I changed my password about 3 hours ago and it said it should only take 20 minutes to be activated, yet it's still not working, is this another thing to wait for or should I just contact Student Central for help?
Tutorial & Practical Preferences - Current Students @ UOW
That is where to sign up for the tutorials, not exactly certain as to when we can use this TPS though.
I would assume most places are already booked out, but you can always contact them and ask.
To my knowledge, you have to accept it anyways you just don't enroll in the course. There is an online application at
This is going of the UOW...
I know i have the 6 total bonus points but do they know that i have received certain bands in relevant subjects or do I have to tell them and prove it?
hey dont mean to bump threads but does the university know that you get certain bands in relevant subjects? Or do you have to let them know?
noob question lol.