Recent content by mils_e

  1. M


    waiting till marriage cause i dont want to have sex with my wife after she has had sex with 3 other guys so why would she want to have sex with me after i have had with other girls. not saying that i have anything against people that arent virgins now. ur choice and i have nothing against it...
  2. M

    Sex Before Marriage

    i see your point about that. but for me when i have sex with my wife for the first time it will be great, because if will be a consummation of love. not a great release of sexual tension but a celebration of our love of each other. it is because of the reason i will choose to have sex that will...
  3. M

    Sex Before Marriage

    lol, fair enough. good work on the catholic call but the question i have is why get married if not for love, what would any other reason be? i think sugar is a bit different to sex, but i dont really know what u were trying to say. thanks for your comment
  4. M

    Sex Before Marriage

    hi mmmmm, i wont have sex before i get married. tis because of what i believe, but even if i didnt believe what i do i wouldnt have sex before marriage. people seem to think marriage is the end of your life, it is if u see it like that. i see marriage as just another adventure, just happens to...