Recent content by mirachael

  1. M

    UNSW 2016S1 Results Thread

    Damn, beat me in finance. Good job though (Y)
  2. M

    UNSW 2016S1 Results Thread

    ======================================================== T1 ELEC2117 Electrical Systems Design........99 HD T1 ELEC2134 Circuits and Signals.............91 HD T1 FINS1613 Business Finance.................92 HD T1 MATH2069 Mathematics 2A...................97 HD...
  3. M

    Triple State Ranker Offering Maths, Phys and Chem Tutoring

    Hey eyeseeyou- achieving a state rank is about making sure you cover all your bases- that you master all facets of the syllabus and also perfect your exam technique. Inevitably, a lot of it does come down to how you do on the day (especially for subjects like maths) but there are things you can...
  4. M

    Triple State Ranker Offering Maths, Phys and Chem Tutoring

    Bump- now offering trial lessons for half price- limited time only
  5. M

    99.95 ATAR Graduate offering Phys, Chem and Maths Tutoring

    Cynthia is truly one of the smartest people out there I know (though she will humbly deny it). Anyone wishing to receive tutoring from her will be greatly satisfied :)
  6. M

    UNSW 2015 Sem 2 Results Thread

    ======================================================== Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T2 COMP1917 Computing 1......................99 HD T2 ENGG1000 Engineering Design...............91 HD...
  7. M

    UNSW 2015 Sem 2 Results Thread

    Math1241 99 Not attending lectures this sem has really paid off
  8. M

    O week semester 2

    Is anyone planning to go to o week next sem? There doesn't seem to be as many events as last sem. How are the freebies and free food generally?
  9. M

    UNSW 2015 Sem 1 Results Thread

    Great job with that 88 wam. Shame about management though. Kinda glad I'm not combining with commerce :p
  10. M

    UNSW 2015 Sem 1 Results Thread

    damn. so close to a HD. Unless it gets rounded up?