Okai, I heard from a friend from a friend that Colleges look at ur Uai before giving you Hex...
why am I talking bout colleges? cause im a dumass that forgot to fill out her Tafe application.
Does n e one know out there? Cause yea... Im freaking out cause I know I totally failed 2unit maths...
Yess especially if u come from an azn family =.=
My mum in particullar, she threatned not to help pay for tafe or college fees if I didnt make it to university.
I mean I didnt care too much bout making it to uni before, oh wells if I dont make it I will still find a way to get to wherever I...
Hey! thats not tru! I managed to memorise my whole creative writing in the morning cause I woke up 2 hours b 4 the exam lol
It was a pain in the but though. Procrastination is a serious issue I need to overcome.
I would absolutely love to get into animation with pixar and stuff but Im guessing you need to know a lot of maths and im like totally failing 2unit right now =.= maybe cause im not trying but meh
so probably graphic designer or sumthing like that?
Re: The Poem Was About A Dog?
I think It was a dog, but I got confused cause It said it came back after 25 years or sumthing, cause I dont think dogs auctally live that long... But there was 2 things indicating it was, "it's nose fell into the wet" wats the wet? and the tail thing.