well it always worked for me to do four hour slabs of study every day expt weekends where u will do 2 four hour slabs.
U could have friday completely off (after school that is!)
In the four hours you have a 10 min break every 50 minutes.
And u do 1 subject at a time. (4 subjects a day so...
hi mate
this is quick reply
you divide everything by cos2 so you can get a cancellation of a TAN and a 1 and then it is a quardatic eqation that you can solve
hey guys
For that 5 mark question about the potential
You had to talk about the electrochemical signals passing through the myelin shieth, the shwann cell and the axon
this must be demonstrated in the use of examples where the voltage of the interior sections of the nurone like Na+ and K+ ions...
Here's one:
Why was the sand wet?
Because the sea weed !
wat about this: There is a drunk guy who calls a resturant and asks: "Do u have dinner". "Yes" the guy behind the phone says. As a reaction he starts itching his head and says: "why didn't u invite me"??
good luck
Hey guys
It seems like its getting heated in here;
But i wanted to share an experience with u guys
At one of the English teachers associations it was said that if an essay covers all aspect of the question then it will be able to gain full marks regardless of the number of related texts used...
This is a very good question:
because it is targeted at a band 5-6 student.
I brought this up with my student not long ago.
now with this question I don't think the main intention of asking it is about the real definition of intensity, instead it wants you to find out what are the conditions at...
use series in this and the principal formula
Make sure u use abbreviations to make things easier for monthly repayments,
ie, M, 2M, 3M etc...
That looks ok
again abbreviations would've made life easier
This is an area where they haven't tested for a while so you'll never know what's in the 09...
These are my trial marks
Physics Independent: 97%
English Adv: 85%
Chemistry Indep: 93%
Bio Indepe: 94%
Ext1 Math: 89%
Ext2 Math: 80%
Modern History indep: 94%
thanks 4 the encouragement!!
Hey guys
I go 2 Birrong boys
I don't know its rank for last year
But I'm coming first in all of my subjects:
ENG ADV 1/20
CHEM 1/10
PHY 1/12
BIO 1/12
An Atar of ....... ???
Thanks in advance
U know what guys
It's not that bad
I try my best and enjoy my time there
Lots of responsibility is on my shoulder since i'm the School Captain
we devise lots of programs for students to get them BACK ON TRACK!!
most of them appreciate it
It's rewarding though being able to be part of other's...
Gday guys;
I am fascinated by the Arabic proverb:
"An army of sheep led by a Lion is better than an army of Lions led by a Sheep"
It doesn't matter which school we go to!
It's commitment, leadership and teamwork that shapes a person's life!!
I don't mean to offend anyone
I go 2 Birrong Boys High
Do u guys know about the difficulty of the Independent trial exam?
U see i always do the Catholic papers and they are rated 8-9/10 just out of curiosity.
Enjoy guys
Very interesting
Brilliant overall
Physics Independent: 97%
English Adv: 85%
Chemistry Indep: 93%
Bio Indepe: 94%
Ext1 Math: 89%
Ext2 Math: 80%
Modern History indep: 94%
1st in all subjects!!
14 units all up!!
Hopefully Medicine next year!!
Good luck guys