Hoping for a mark in the 80's, I really want a band 6 for this exam but will most likely get a band 5 cause I stuffed up the long answer communication answers :(.
Yeah I talked about how meiosis can make the offspring have pretty different characteristics to the parents and then I talked about the identical twins like you :).
All in all a pretty easy exam, tripped up on some of the communication questions (the other section questions seemed so much...
Section 1 - Frankenstein/Blade Runner was pretty good. I talked about how a sense of identity is found by exploring human identity and what it means to be human, and how the values at the core of that question were what created a sense of identity. Talked about how unnatural creation and the...
Ok as the title suggests, I am searching for questions to practise for paper 2 on Friday. I can't really find any good ones on the internet, so I was wondering if people would be willing to share some of the better ones they have been given for their Trials, term two exams etc in each module? I...
Shit I just remembered the celebration part of the question lol.
Mine isn't so much celebrating how relationships contribute to belonging, but rather the converse statement about how a lack of relationships destroy a sense of belonging (at least for most of the story ^_^). You reckon I'll be fine?
Did the same amount for each section as this person roughly (maybe 6 for the second?). I was ranked in the bottom half in my school for English but I put a good deal of effort into this one; hoping I get a band 6 for all three sections, especially the creative writing section which I got a band...
Used the first one, nice and vague, reproduced my 5-6 page story that got me 14/15 in my usually hard marking trial :).
I think I'll be fine for this section (y)
Quoted for truth, wrote about 8 pages on it (and needed to write more but cut down). As a historically weak English student, I was incredibly happy with how I did on this though; I reproduced and tweaked my practise response from the day before that my teacher said could have been a band 6 :D...
Hi, I'm trying to get some notes together for Diana in the Docks, Romans in Britain and the Trials of Oz, but I'm having a little trouble.
I was wondering if you could send your notes to my email, joey_king_knight@hotmail.com
Cheers, appreciated.