Recent content by mystic angel

  1. M

    university of otago

    Hi Wooz, I'm also a dent hopeful.
  2. M

    university of otago

    Hi, anyone going to otago university this year? I hear a fair amount of Aussies go every year. I'm going to study health sciencec first year.
  3. M

    Dentistry offers anyone?

    If you don't mind me asking, what enter did you recieve? Just want to know what enter you need to get into dent at La trobe.
  4. M

    Medicine at otago

    Hey, i’m also planning to go to Otago this year for health science first year. Because UMAT accounts for 34% hopefully you don’t need a HUGE amount. However, that said I guess that depends on the competition. I know a person who got in with a umat score between 150-160.