Hey Bayan92
i'm also aiming for USyd Pharm.
C'mon 92.55!!
wish the STAT test was scaled as well - i got 172 and so many people seemed to just scrape in on the 150/151 mark.
chem is going to screw me but - best i seem to be able to get on previous exams is about 65% :(
God, i wish i'd applied for s.p.! :(
MY handwriting is truly awful - i didn't know i could get sp just for that! i had occupational therapy for it way back in primary school and it still didn't get better. even an extra five minutes would have been awesome.
Deckard and Frankenstein can surely be compared? Both 'the creator'? Therefore if Scott is suggesting a link between Deckard and Descartes, the whole "I think, therefore I am', Descartes believing that animals feel no pain (as deckard implies) etc relates directly to Frankenstein's (initial)...
no kidding!!!! of course it's more than a coincidence! so homage is the best you guys can come up with? that's not a literary technique as far as i'm concerned - that's what it is but not what the technique is. i'm still thinking pun or homonym but was hoping someone knew some fancy word that...
not a genius - just stupid! i only do three unit maths cos of the awesome teacher (and to avoid the terrible teacher that does 2-unit) and the extn history was just to keep a friend happy. so ony 11 that i'm actually trying with.
thanks for all your feedback guys - i'll keep thinking about it. btw, i don't plan to have a set essay for any of my english papers - i write to the question rather than memorising stuff so i can always decide to agree at the last minute! lol
Subjects: adv english, extn 1 english, anc...
Thanks for your reply - i guess i was overstating my position to get a response. you're right of course, they did have different perspectives of the world - how could they not given the huge changes in the world over that time period? However i would still argue that their perspectives on where...
the syllabus says "...compare how the treatment of similar content in a pair of texts composed in different times and contexts may reflect changing values and perspectives."
I would argue that scott and shelley had the same context ( shelley was the beginning of the industrial revolution and...
If i'm doing practice papers and getting a mark of about 75% each time does that mean that i will get about 75% as my HSC mark? or does it actually move up and down and i could end up with something very different? I understand all the scaling and aligning stuff - just wondered how 'accurate'...
Thanks Shady - i'll be an expert at this just in time to never use it again!!
OK, so my timetable is
8.00 get up/breakfast
8.30-11.30 Past paper - different subject each day (call this subject 1 for today)
11.30-12.00 break/eat
12.00-1.30 review things i didn't know on past paper