Recent content by nathan851

  1. N

    Extension Speaking 2/9

    I didnt think it was all that bad. I attempted #1 (that it is easier to go with the majority) and #3 (the media sensationalism). I feel that I had best prepared for those types of questions. I will admit that I was surprised that "technology" wasnt in there. I prepared a lot of those...
  2. N

    Just left school... what to do next?

    Julian when we're older I'll come to KFC like Lance in Clerks 2..and I'll say "32 and flipping burgers! Anyone else from our graduating class back there?" And then you will have to skip work and go ride go-karts with me, so we can relieve our carefree childhood days. Still the movie is about...
  3. N

    2006 critical responders!

    Aspect of Language? Yeah, I am rally looking forward to doing my critical response. From the outset it wasnt really clear to me what I would do, but the 'aspect of language' sounds fun- I woud like to do something on my favourite thing in the world: grammar (don't laugh), it just seems to...