Recent content by natsnapshoot

  1. natsnapshoot

    Internal Ranking

    This really depends on the quality of your cohort. If you're in James Ruse? Probably not. Just work hard to do better in your following assessments and you'll be fine :)
  2. natsnapshoot

    How many people state rank in standard 2 math?

    In extension I think they can separate based off advanced marks and class rank but don't quote me on it
  3. natsnapshoot

    How many people state rank in standard 2 math?

    Yeah 100,99,98(if you're very lucky) to state rank in standard.
  4. natsnapshoot

    HSC timetable

    I hated afternoon exams
  5. natsnapshoot

    HSC timetable

    Typically in the same week but Monday and Friday last year
  6. natsnapshoot

    HSC timetable

    Yeah so last year it was 11th October to 3 November. I think your school holidays are like to the 10th tho or smth this year.
  7. natsnapshoot

    HSC timetable

    Waiting for it to come out but it seems like HSC is starting a week later this year. I didn't have one exam personally in November last year but it seems like this year is starting third week of October to second week of November? **to be fair it's prob just because of school holidays and when...
  8. natsnapshoot

    HSC timetable

    Physics 💀💀
  9. natsnapshoot

    HSC timetable

    last year it was 10am I believe.
  10. natsnapshoot

    HSC timetable

    gl with the timetable tmrw guys :) (I will laugh if physics is in the last week again)
  11. natsnapshoot

    HSC timetable

    from memory last year's timetable came out at 10am
  12. natsnapshoot

    wsu hsc reward

    Most people only apply to one but here are two reasons you may want to apply for multiple rounds. - You've decided that you want to apply for a different degree from your first offer. - You don't get the offer for year 11 results, but you apply using year 12 results, aka you apply for one year...
  13. natsnapshoot

    wsu hsc reward

    4th of September :)
  14. natsnapshoot

    wsu hsc reward

    Reasons for multiple offer rounds: - Some people forget and miss the first - Allows for wsu to use either year 11 or year 12 results, based on the rounds you apply for. - Every course available has requirements on western's website: as long as you meet the requirements, you'll be offered a...