Recent content by nearlythere...

  1. N

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    A lot of people at my school seemed to find it kina of hard. I thought it was relatively easy... maybe becuase our teachers set a really hard trial for us so I was expecting the worst and went in and was a bit like 'hey, I know this stuff'. I wish there had been more financial stuff though...
  2. N

    QUESTION 25?? what was that?

    haha, I saw it was like 'is this seriously a question?' it was a bit of a given mark. I said the probability of picking a card with the letter A on it out of four cards, 3 with A and one with B on it.
  3. N

    Gwen Harwood poems

    well, we're supposed to know all of them cause they can ask for a specific poem to be written about. However, the chances of that happening are unlikely, so I would say make sure you know at least 3 really well, but have a general knowledge of all of them.
  4. N

    Frontline as a whole series.

    I know in Module B with Harwood they can ask for a specific poem, can they ask for a specific episode of frontline? Should I know all of them reasonably well, or focus on two or three episodes?
  5. N

    General Thoughts - English Paper 1 2007

    well, I'm glad thats over... text 3 was horrible. I think I read it about 4 times and was like 'i seriously don't get what this guy was saying' and eventually made up some crap about life and the desert. The other two were pretty good, I got them and I think i did a pretty good job in...
  6. N

    Quick question: Creative Writing

    Ok, say we're very very losely basing out piece on a real person (as in, same sort of career/you sort of have them in mind as your writing) would it be wise to use their name (first anyway) or should you change it? I'm just curious because I'm baing my extremely losely on a real person yet my...
  7. N

    how much study are you doing a day?

    i'm doing normally about 3-4 hours a day, mainly cause I know if I aimed for 6 hours of study a day, I'd end up only doing 3 anyway, so really I'm saving myself a lot of time. and I'm doing those hours in 1 hour blocks. This is the most I've studied in my life... so glad it'll be another year...
  8. N

    Who else has finished?

    Today was our last official day at school. :) Tomorrow's muck up day and friday we just have an assembly and stuff. It feels so good, I never have to actually go to class ever again. Now its just study and exams. who else has finished?
  9. N

    Whens your Farewell??

    we sorta have three kinda, lol 26th- all the houses give a farwell to the yr 12s in that house 28th- last day, whole school says farwell (and we get out of there by 1, woo!) 29th- we have a valedictory dinner where we actually 'officially' graduate.
  10. N


    Re: First Preferences? B Communications at UWS except I'm not palnning to go to uni next year. If I get in, I'll differ, get a job and if by the end of next year I still want to do it then I'll go. Uni's just a lot of money, and I don't want to waste money n something I'm not at least 90%...
  11. N

    Trials Results

    My marks weren't great. I did pretty much the stupidest thing you could do. I left studying kinda late so I focused on the subjects I normally do really poorly in, and the ones I'm better at I kinda didn't touch. As a result, I did really well in the subject that in half yearly I bombed out in...
  12. N

    Rationale due tmw mega badly need help!!

    haha, I left mine till the day of, not the day of our performance, but the day our logbooks were due. The way I see it, there's no point stressing over the rationale, it doesn't have to be like band 6 english type stuff. Our teacher gave us some ratioanle's of a few past band 6 drama...
  13. N

    HSC drama exam

    yeah... you'd think so, like this year they've put business and hospitality on the same day and heaps of my friends are freaking out... thats 6 hours of exams in one day. And its insane cuase those two subjects go hand in hand. I'm not so worried about drama being so late, I'm just bummed that...
  14. N

    Drama Schools

    I think whether or not you're successful depends on if you have talent or not, and I think there's a lot to do with being in the right place at the right time as well. Of course, whichever performing arts school you go to would help, but I guess if you have talent, you have talent. Then again...
  15. N

    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    In yr 10 when we were doing the reproductive system my science teacher goes 'There are three things pregnant women want, hot baths, hot chilli and hot sex' we'd never heard him say anything like that before, so our whole class is just like :O and when I was in yr 7 it was compulsory that...