Recent content by nevilongbotom

  1. N

    I think I might end my life... it's too painful

    It is only the HSC, although we think it means everyhting right now, it doesnt really mean anyhting in the whole scheme of things, so, if you dont do well, its not the end of the world! (Trust me, i know, i have to keep telling myself the same thing). You just have to put things in perspective...
  2. N

    How's everyone coping?

    I am stressed because i am a perfectionist and want to do really well. I Have been majorly stressed at different points but it just affects my results so i know i have to control it. I have had to find ways to calm down and just get through it. The most important being to put things in...
  3. N

    Belonging Creative Writing I need to write a creative piece - short story - on belonging. I...

    Belonging Creative Writing I need to write a creative piece - short story - on belonging. I needs to be not cliched or boring; something different. I was thinking of using being 'outside a door' or building etc as a metaphor for being alienated but i didnt really know where i was going to go...