Recent content by nhsctips2024

  1. N

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Hey I remember seeing that question! Honestly this question isn't even that bad it's kind of intuitive after all. My good friend was one of the pupils who got it correct and was surprised more people didn't get it right, especially since it's mostly just year 11 chemistry, adding with some mod 5...
  2. N

    Maths Extension 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    whats raw 65 or 66/70 gonna get
  3. N

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    wouldnt that further punish the people who inevitably struggled? seems like theyd punish most of the state just to separate the very top?
  4. N

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    whats needed for 95 this year u reckon
  5. N

    Shore Mathematics Extension 2 Trial

    yeah it comes from an internal task, just an absolutely cooked question. not sure how it made its way onto bos though we run a tight ship
  6. N

    relationship problems during hsc

    @neuvie aint this the shit u were dealing with a couple months back
  7. N

    relationship problems during hsc

    bro what u mean this is bos
  8. N

    relationship problems during hsc

    give me a chance, drop my pants and lets do the bedroom dance