Recent content by nichole.edwards

  1. N

    Home and Away

    hey guys.. can someone private email me and tell me how to make a new discussion.. i want to start one on muck up day ideas.. thanks
  2. N

    HSC IPT 2007 Discussion

    umm hell no!! i hate the subject..
  3. N

    IPT Major Project Survey

    Have you ever spent a long time looking for a CD or DVD not to find it?o Yes Are you comfortable using computers?o Yes If a self search option was available in Big W would you use it?o Yes Would you rather:o Search for a product yourself using a computer Have you ever used a touch screen...
  4. N

    Here to help

    hello.. im am currently doin HSC ss atm.. lol im not sure if you would kno this or not, but the HARVIE method for writting experiments.. would you happen to kno this.. if so thanks
  5. N

    Related Text for Physical Journeys

    there are heaps of childrens books thatyou could use. They would be heaps easy to anyalise..