Recent content by Nirraic

  1. N

    social and ethical issues facing McDonalds with their TPS

    can anyone help me out, i need this for an assignment,it a 2 part question it asks: outline the major social and ethical issues facing your chosen business.(I've chosen McDonalds as the business) and What strategies has your business put in place to resolve or minimise these issues? can I...
  2. N

    Game of the Year 2011

    portal 2
  3. N

    Nintendo 3DS

    does it come with anything or is just the console by it's self? at JB hi-fi they have it for the same price but it comes with a accessory pack.
  4. N

    The Anime Thread

    yes agreed High school of the dead is an epic anime, so there is only 3 eps out but it's got me hooked, not sure how many episodes it will have, most likely 12-24 eps it's the usual amount of episodes each animes have. also i'm watching Seitokai Yukuindomo, it's quite good as well.
  5. N

    Game Name Game

    Five dragons :D
  6. N

    Game Name Game

    4th dimension
  7. N

    Game Name Game

    2 moons
  8. N

    best console out

    i should let you know PSP is not a console it's a hand held.:argue:
  9. N

    Official Pokemon game thread

    Lol i can remember all the pokemon's names show me a pic a i can tell you which pokemon it is.
  10. N

    new optus plans in may.

    have a look at this plan unlimited download for under $100 24/7 Unlimited Broadband Bundle – Unlimited 24-7 broadband and $50 of music downloads per month and unlimited music streaming AAPT Broadband
  11. N

    Holy Mother Of All Internet Browsers

    I vote for Opera, Sorry but firefox is shit it can't even connect to most networks. also the speed dial feature is quite handy.
  12. N

    Game Name Game

    Metal Slug
  13. N

    Official Pokemon game thread

    Lol Fail it was not a gyrados it was a dratini :lol:
  14. N

    Official Pokemon game thread

    You shouldn't really be pirating, but I’ve already downloaded both hg & ss, so I can't talk, but I’m going to be buying them once they come out in Australia. Also have you gotten around the anti piracy built into the game? I’m using the original r4 and so far I have not found a patch for it.
  15. N

    Game Name Game
